# GraphNode for the Facebook SDK for PHP
A `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode` is a collection that represents a node returned by the Graph API.
## Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode {#overview}
This base class has several subclasses:
`GraphNode`'s are obtained from a [`Facebook\FacebookResponse`](/docs/php/FacebookResponse) object which represents an HTTP response from the Graph API.
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook(\* *\);
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->get('/something');
// Get the base class GraphNode from the response
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
// Get the response typed as a GraphUser
$user = $response->getGraphUser());
// Get the response typed as a GraphPage
$page = $response->getGraphPage();
// User example
echo $graphNode->getField('name'); // From GraphNode
echo $user->getName(); // From GraphUser
// Location example
echo $graphNode->getField('country'); // From GraphNode
echo $location->getCountry(); // From GraphLocation
## SPL Libraries {#spl}
The `GraphNode` collection and its subclasses implement several [SPL](http://php.net/manual/en/book.spl.php) libraries and [predefined PHP interfaces and classes](http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.interfaces.php) which make it convenient to work with the object in PHP. The supported libraries are `ArrayAccess`, `ArrayIterator`, `Countable`, and `IteratorAggregate`.
All of the following operations are possible on a `GraphNode`.
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
// Array access
$id = $graphNode['id'];
// Iteration
foreach ($graphNode as $key => $value) {
// . . .
// Counting
$total = count($graphNode);
## GraphNode Instance Methods {#instance-methods}
### asArray {#as-array}
Returns the raw representation (associative arrays, nested) of the node's underlying data.
### asJson {#as-json}
Returns the data as a JSON string.
### getField {#get-field}
`getField(string $name, string $default = 'foo')`
Gets the value from the field of a Graph node. If the value is a scalar (string, number, etc.) it will be returned. If it's an associative array, it will be returned as a GraphNode.
The second argument lets you define a default value to return if the field doesn't exist.
### getFieldNames {#get-field-names}
Returns an array with the names of all fields present on the graph node.
### map {#map}
`map(Closure $callback)`
Provides a way to map over the data within the collection just like `array_map()`.
## GraphUser Instance Methods {#user-instance-methods}
The `GraphUser` collection represents a [User](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user) Graph node.
### Auto-cast properties {#user-auto-casting}
The following properties on the `GraphUser` collection will get automatically cast as `GraphNode` subtypes:
%FB(devsite:markdown-wiki:table {
columns: ['Property','GraphNode subtype',],
rows: [
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getId() {#user-getid}
public string|null getId()
Returns the `id` property for the user as a string if present.
### getName() {#user-getname}
public string|null getName()
Returns the `name` property for the user as a string if present.
### getFirstName() {#user-getfirstname}
public string|null getFirstName()
Returns the `first_name` property for the user as a string if present.
### getMiddleName() {#user-getmiddlename}
public string|null getMiddleName()
Returns the `middle_name` property for the user as a string if present.
### getLastName() {#user-getlastname}
public string|null getLastName()
Returns the `last_name` property for the user as a string if present.
### getLink() {#user-getlink}
public string|null getLink()
Returns the `link` property for the user as a string if present.
### getBirthday() {#user-getbirthday}
public \DateTime|null getBirthday()
Returns the `birthday` property for the user as a `\DateTime` if present.
### getLocation() {#user-getlocation}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage|null getLocation()
Returns the `location` property for the user as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage` if present.
### getHometown() {#user-gethometown}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage|null getHometown()
Returns the `hometown` property for the user as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage` if present.
### getSignificantOther() {#user-getsignificantother}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphUser|null getHometown()
Returns the `significant_other` property for the user as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphUser` if present.
## GraphPage Instance Methods {#page-instance-methods}
The `GraphPage` collection represents a [Page](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page) Graph node.
### Auto-cast properties {#page-auto-casting}
The following properties on the `GraphPage` collection will get automatically cast as `GraphNode` subtypes:
%FB(devsite:markdown-wiki:table {
columns: ['Property','GraphNode subtype',],
rows: [
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getId() {#page-getid}
public string|null getId()
Returns the `id` property for the page as a string if present.
### getName() {#page-getname}
public string|null getName()
Returns the `name` property for the page as a string if present.
### getCategory() {#page-getcategory}
public string|null getCategory()
Returns the `category` property for the page as a string if present.
### getBestPage() {#page-getbestpage}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage|null getBestPage()
Returns the `best_page` property for the page as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage` if present.
### getGlobalBrandParentPage() {#page-getglobalbrandparentpage}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage|null getGlobalBrandParentPage()
Returns the `global_brand_parent_page` property for the page as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage` if present.
### getLocation() {#page-getlocation}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphLocation|null getLocation()
Returns the `location` property for the page as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphLocation` if present.
### getAccessToken() {#page-getaccesstoken}
public string|null getAccessToken()
Returns the `access_token` property for the page if present. (Only available in the `/me/accounts` context.)
### getPerms() {#page-getperms}
public array|null getAccessToken()
Returns the `perms` property for the page as an `array` if present. (Only available in the `/me/accounts` context.)
## GraphAlbum Instance Methods {#album-instance-methods}
The `GraphAlbum` collection represents an [Album](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/album) Graph node.
### Auto-cast properties {#album-auto-casting}
The following properties on the `GraphAlbum` collection will get automatically cast as `GraphNode` subtypes:
%FB(devsite:markdown-wiki:table {
columns: ['Property','GraphNode subtype',],
rows: [
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getId() {#album-getid}
public string|null getId()
Returns the `id` property for the album as a string if present.
### getName() {#album-getname}
public string|null getName()
Returns the `name` property for the album as a string if present.
### getCanUpload() {#album-getcanupload}
public boolean|null getCanUpload()
Returns the `can_upload` property for the album as a boolean if present.
### getCount() {#album-getcount}
public int|null getCount()
Returns the `count` property for the album as an integer if present.
### getCoverPhoto() {#album-getcoverphoto}
public string|null getCoverPhoto()
Returns the `cover_photo` property for the album as a string if present.
### getCreatedTime() {#album-getcreatedtime}
public \DateTime|null getCreatedTime()
Returns the `created_time` property for the album as a `\DateTime` if present.
### getUpdatedTime() {#album-getupdatedtime}
public \DateTime|null getUpdatedTime()
Returns the `updated_time` property for the album as a `\DateTime` if present.
### getDescription() {#album-getdescription}
public string|null getDescription()
Returns the `description` property for the album as a string if present.
### getFrom() {#album-getfrom}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphUser|null getFrom()
Returns the `from` property for the album as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphUser` if present.
### getPlace() {#album-getplace}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage|null getPlace()
Returns the `place` property for the album as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage` if present.
### getLink() {#album-getlink}
public string|null getLink()
Returns the `link` property for the album as a string if present.
### getLocation() {#album-getlocation}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode|string|null getLocation()
Returns the `location` property for the album as a `Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode` or string if present.
### getPrivacy() {#album-getprivacy}
public string|null getPrivacy()
Returns the `privacy` property for the album as a string if present.
### getType() {#album-gettype}
public string|null getType()
Returns the `type` property for the album as a string (`profile`, `mobile`, `wall`, `normal` or `album`) if present.
## GraphLocation Instance Methods {#location-instance-methods}
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getStreet() {#location-getstreet}
public string|null getStreet()
Returns the `street` property for the location as a string if present.
### getCity() {#location-getcity}
public string|null getCity()
Returns the `city` property for the location as a string if present.
### getCountry() {#location-getcountry}
public string|null getCountry()
Returns the `country` property for the location as a string if present.
### getZip() {#location-getzip}
public string|null getZip()
Returns the `zip` property for the location as a string if present.
### getLatitude() {#location-getlatitude}
public float|null getLatitude()
Returns the `latitude` property for the location as a float if present.
### getLongitude() {#location-getlongitude}
public float|null getLongitude()
Returns the `longitude` property for the location as a float if present.
## GraphPicture Instance Methods {#picture-instance-methods}
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getUrl() {#picture-geturl}
public string|null getUrl()
Returns the `url` property for the picture as a string if present.
## GraphAchievement Instance Methods {#achievement-instance-methods}
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getId() {#achievement-getid}
public string|null getId()
Returns the `id` property for the achievement as a string if present.
## GraphEvent Instance Methods {#event-instance-methods}
All getter methods return `null` if the property does not exist on the node.
### getId() {#event-id}
public string|null getId()
Returns the `id` property (The event ID) for the event as a string if present.
### getCover() {#event-cover}
public GraphCoverPhoto|null getCover()
Returns the `cover` property (Cover picture) for the event as a GraphCoverPhoto if present.
### getDescription() {#event-description}
public string|null getDescription()
Returns the `description` property (Long-form description) for the event as a string if present.
### getEndTime() {#event-end_time}
public DateTime|null getEndTime()
Returns the `end_time` property (End time, if one has been set) for the event as a DateTime if present.
### getIsDateOnly() {#event-is_date_only}
public bool|null getIsDateOnly()
Returns the `is_date_only` property (Whether the event only has a date specified, but no time) for the event as a bool if present.
### getName() {#event-name}
public string|null getName()
Returns the `name` property (Event name) for the event as a string if present.
### getOwner() {#event-owner}
public GraphNode|null getOwner()
Returns the `owner` property (The profile that created the event) for the event as a GraphNode if present.
### getParentGroup() {#event-parent_group}
public GraphGroup|null getParentGroup()
Returns the `parent_group` property (The group the event belongs to) for the event as a GraphGroup if present.
### getPlace() {#event-place}
public GraphPage|null getPlace()
Returns the `place` property (Event Place information) for the event as a GraphPage if present.
### getPrivacy() {#event-privacy}
public string|null getPrivacy()
Returns the `privacy` property (Who can see the event) for the event as a string if present.
### getStartTime() {#event-start_time}
public DateTime|null getStartTime()
Returns the `start_time` property (Start time) for the event as a DateTime if present.
### getTicketUri() {#event-ticket_uri}
public string|null getTicketUri()
Returns the `ticket_uri` property (The link users can visit to buy a ticket to this event) for the event as a string if present.
### getTimezone() {#event-timezone}
public string|null getTimezone()
Returns the `timezone` property (Timezone) for the event as a string if present.
### getUpdatedTime() {#event-updated_time}
public DateTime|null getUpdatedTime()
Returns the `updated_time` property (Last update time) for the event as a DateTime if present.
### getPicture() {#event-picture}
public GraphPicture|null getPicture()
Returns the `picture` property (Event picture) for the event as a GraphPicture if present.
### getAttendingCount() {#event-attending_count}
public int|null getAttendingCount()
Returns the `attending_count` property (Number of people attending the event) for the event as a int if present.
### getDeclinedCount() {#event-declined_count}
public int|null getDeclinedCount()
Returns the `declined_count` property (Number of people who declined the event) for the event as a int if present.
### getMaybeCount() {#event-maybe_count}
public int|null getMaybeCount()
Returns the `maybe_count` property (Number of people who maybe going to the event) for the event as a int if present.
### getNoreplyCount() {#event-noreply_count}
public int|null getNoreplyCount()
Returns the `noreply_count` property (Number of people who did not reply to the event) for the event as a int if present.
### getInvitedCount() {#event-invited_count}
public int|null getInvitedCount()
Returns the `invited_count` property (Number of people invited to the event) for the event as a int if present.
## GraphGroup Instance Methods {#group-instance-methods}
All getter methods return `null` if the field does not exist on the node.
### getId() {#group-id}
public string|null getId()
Returns the `id` field (The Group ID) for the group as a string if present.
### getCover() {#group-cover}
public GraphCoverPhoto|null getCover()
Returns the `cover` field (The cover photo of the Group) for the group as a GraphCoverPhoto if present.
### getDescription() {#group-description}
public string|null getDescription()
Returns the `description` field (A brief description of the Group) for the group as a string if present.
### getEmail() {#group-email}
public string|null getEmail()
Returns the `email` field (The email address to upload content to the Group. Only current members of the Group can use this) for the group as a string if present.
### getIcon() {#group-icon}
public string|null getIcon()
Returns the `icon` field (The URL for the Group's icon) for the group as a string if present.
### getLink() {#group-link}
public string|null getLink()
Returns the `link` field (The Group's website) for the group as a string if present.
### getName() {#group-name}
public string|null getName()
Returns the `name` field (The name of the Group) for the group as a string if present.
### getMemberRequestCount() {#group-member_request_count}
public int|null getMemberRequestCount()
Returns the `member_request_count` field (Number of people asking to join the group.) for the group as a int if present.
### getOwner() {#group-owner}
public GraphNode|null getOwner()
Returns the `owner` field (The profile that created this Group) for the group as a GraphNode if present.
### getParent() {#group-parent}
public GraphNode|null getParent()
Returns the `parent` field (The parent Group of this Group, if it exists) for the group as a GraphNode if present.
### getPrivacy() {#group-privacy}
public string|null getPrivacy()
Returns the `privacy` field (The privacy setting of the Group) for the group as a string if present.
### getUpdatedTime() {#group-updated_time}
public DateTime|null getUpdatedTime()
Returns the `updated_time` field (The last time the Group was updated (this includes changes in the Group's properties and changes in posts and comments if user can see them)) for the group as a DateTime if present.
### getVenue() {#group-venue}
public GraphLocation|null getVenue()
Returns the `venue` field (The location for the Group) for the group as a GraphLocation if present.