# FacebookResponse for the Facebook SDK for PHP
Represents a response from the Graph API.
## Facebook\FacebookResponse {#overview}
After sending a request to the Graph API, the response will be returned in the form of a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` entity.
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook(/* . . . */);
// Send the request to Graph
try {
$response = $fb->get('/me');
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
// When Graph returns an error
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
// When validation fails or other local issues
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
// class Facebook\FacebookResponse . . .
## Instance Methods {#instance-methods}
### getRequest() {#get-request}
public Facebook\FacebookRequest getRequest()
Returns the original [`Facebook\FacebookRequest`](/docs/php/FacebookRequest) entity that was used to solicit this response.
### getAccessToken() {#get-access-token}
public string getAccessToken()
Returns the access token that was used for the original request in the form of a string.
### getApp() {#get-app}
public Facebook\FacebookApp getApp()
Returns the [`Facebook\FacebookApp`](/docs/php/FacebookApp) entity that was used with the original request.
### getHttpStatusCode() {#get-http-status-code}
public int getHttpStatusCode()
Returns the HTTP response code for this response.
### getHeaders() {#get-headers}
public array getHeaders()
Returns the response headers that were returned.
### getBody() {#get-body}
public string getBody()
Returns the raw, unparsed body of the response as a string.
### getDecodedBody() {#get-decoded-body}
public array getDecodedBody()
Returns the parsed body of the response as an array.
### getAppSecretProof() {#get-app-secret-proof}
public string getAppSecretProof()
Returns the original [app secret proof](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/securing-requests/#appsecret_proof) that was used with the original request.
### getETag() {#get-etag}
public string getETag()
Returns the `ETag` response header if it exists. If the header does not exist in the response headers, `null` will be returned instead.
### getGraphVersion() {#get-graph-version}
public string getGraphVersion()
Returns the Graph version that was used by returning the value from the `Facebook-API-Version` response header if it exists. If the header does not exist in the response headers, `null` will be returned instead.
### isError() {#is-error}
public boolean isError()
If the Graph API returned an error response `isError()` will return `true`. If a successful response was returned, `isError()` will return `false`.
### throwException() {#throw-exception}
public throwException()
Throws the [`Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException`](/docs/php/FacebookResponseException) that was generated by an error response from Graph.
### getThrownException() {#get-thrown-exception}
public Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException getThrownException()
Returns the [`Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException`](/docs/php/FacebookResponseException) that was generated by an error response from Graph. This is mainly useful for dealing with [responses to batch requests](/docs/php/FacebookBatchResponse).
### getGraphNode() {#get-graph-node}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode getGraphNode()
Returns the response data in the form of a [`Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphNode`](/docs/php/GraphNode) collection.
### getGraphAlbum() {#get-graph-album}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphAlbum getGraphAlbum()
Returns the response data in the form of a [`Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphAlbum`](/docs/php/GraphNode#album-instance-methods) collection.
### getGraphPage() {#get-graph-page}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage getGraphPage()
Returns the response data in the form of a [`Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphPage`](/docs/php/GraphNode#page-instance-methods) collection.
### getGraphSessionInfo() {#get-graph-session-info}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphSessionInfo getGraphSessionInfo()
Returns the response data in the form of a [`Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphSessionInfo`](/docs/php/GraphNode#sessioninfo-instance-methods) collection.
### getGraphUser() {#get-graph-user}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphUser getGraphUser()
Returns the response data in the form of a [`Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphUser`](/docs/php/GraphNode#user-instance-methods) collection.
### getGraphEdge() {#get-graph-edge}
public Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphEdge getGraphEdge()
Returns the response data in the form of a [`Facebook\GraphNodes\GraphEdge`](/docs/php/GraphEdge) collection.