# FacebookBatchResponse for the Facebook SDK for PHP Represents a batch response returned from the Graph API. ## Facebook\FacebookBatchResponse {#overview} After sending a batch request to the Graph API, the response will be returned in the form of a `Facebook\FacebookBatchResponse` entity. Usage: ~~~~ $fb = new Facebook\Facebook(/* . . . */); $requests = [ $fb->request('GET', '/me'), $fb->request('POST', '/me/feed', [/* */]), ]; // Send the batch request to Graph try { $batchResponse = $fb->sendBatchRequest($requests, '{access-token}'); } catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) { // When Graph returns an error echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit; } catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) { // When validation fails or other local issues echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit; } foreach ($batchResponse as $key => $response) { if ($response->isError()) { $error = $response->getThrownException(); echo $key . ' error: ' . $error->getMessage(); } else { // Success } } var_dump($batchResponse); // class Facebook\FacebookBatchResponse . . . ~~~~ ## Instance Methods {#instance-methods} Since the `Facebook\FacebookBatchResponse` is extended from the [`Facebook\FacebookResponse`](/docs/php/FacebookResponse) entity, all the methods are inherited. ### getResponses() {#get-responses} ~~~~ public array getResponses() ~~~~ Returns the array of [`Facebook\FacebookResponse`](/docs/php/FacebookResponse) entities that were returned from Graph. ## Array Access {#array-access} Since `Facebook\FacebookBatchResponse` implements `\IteratorAggregate` and `\ArrayAccess`, the responses can be accessed via array syntax and can also be iterated over. ~~~~ $requests = [ 'foo' => $fb->request('GET', '/me'), 'bar' => $fb->request('POST', '/me/feed', [/* */]), ]; $batchResponse = $fb->sendBatchRequest($requests); foreach ($batchResponse as $key => $response) { if ($response->isError()) { $error = $response->getThrownException(); echo $key . ' error: ' . $error->getMessage(); } else { // Success } } var_dump($batchResponse['foo']); // class Facebook\FacebookResponse . . . ~~~~